Monday, August 19, 2013

Midwest Meet Up

Hello everyone! Hope you enjoyed your weekend. I had an extra long weekend. I took off work Thursday night & Sunday night.

A friend & I traveled to Portage WI on Friday. We were to meet up with some of my online friends at a Retreat house. We arrived Friday early afternoon & stayed until Sunday morning.

I have been talking with these ladies online for almost 2 years now. When we first started talking about doing this, we had more people that wanted to come. People's lives get busy, its summer & things come up so we ended up with only 5 of us. We had fun though.

Here are some pictures of what the crafty basement looked like with all our supplies laid out.

This is our lovely group that were able to finally meet in real life. The photo was taken by the owner of the house. He was a very nice guy. I was glad to have met him.

My friend & I decided to go into town on Saturday & do a little sight seeing. As we were told that the retreat was out in Amish country. We did see some buggy & horses. We also went to an Amish Bakery. I loved their Red Raspberry turnover pie. I also bought some banana nut bread which is pretty good too.

We took some pictures of a park in town. The rock wall with the gate was a nice attraction for the park. Love the big willow trees behind it. It had a couple  bridges over the small ponds. A boy & his grandma were there fishing. There were also some arbors set up in one area for a wedding. They had all the chairs set up but no one was there yet.

I cant wait to meet up with these ladies again next year. Maybe we will be able to meet some more of our online friends.
Happy Scrappin!

1 comment:

  1. It was such a great weekend! I should have gone into town, looks like a cute place.


Hope you enjoy all my scrappy projects that comes from My Crafty Heart