Friday, March 9, 2012

Birthday RAK Details

Since my Birthday is next week, I  am going to give out a RAK from my own scrapbooking stash.

Here are the Details:

1. Become a Follower of my Blog
2. Leave a Comment by telling me what you think is 1 of my Favorite Scrapbooking Companies.
3. Also leave a Comment on what is your favorite project of mine in my previous blog posts.

I will randomly choose a winner & post it on my blog next Friday, March 16th.

Hope all of you enjoy browsing my blog.

Happy Scrappin!      


  1. Hi Heather, this RAK is a very nice gesture. I would like to participate. I am super new to blogspot, by chance while exploring my way around her I stumbled on your profile. I haven't even figured oit how to subscribe yet realy. Your RAK will inspire me to figure this out. So first, I better figure oit how to subscribe to your blog or I may never figure out how to find you again in order to view your projects, figure out your fave sb companies & comment again. Here goes. . . hope to see you again soon :-)

  2. One more thing, pardon my typos, I'm using a droid to type. . . Darn little buttons!!

  3. OK Heather I think I did it!!! YEAH ME!! .... I should now be following you, and glad I am, your funny...I have to leave ONE of your fave SB companies and ONE of my fave projects of yours? Yea right! You are trying to make this challenge hard on us!! There is definitely more than one answer to each of your questions! So here goes: 1 of your fave SB co. is Webster's Pages, but you also like Glitz Designs, Prima Collection, Graphic 45 (who doesn't...LOL), K&Co. (another goody), We R Memory Keepers (I have not heard of this one. if you see my profile, I took a 5 yr hiatus from scrapbboking and am just getting back, learning a lot of new things, design styles, and new companies.). So for the 2nd question, I will leave my comments in their blog posts, but the the 1 that really caught my attention is Happy 21st Birthday, but others are Let's Get Sketchy, and all of your January. Happy Scrappy Friday projects. Nice work. I look forward to seeing more of your work.

  4. Hi Heather, i am now a follower! Thanks for the chance at a RAK. I am going to guess that one of your favorite companies is We R Memory Keepers. And i love all of your projects i was looking through, but i think my favorite is the one you did for the sketch to be on the design team! I just really loved that one!!


  5. I gave you a blog award that you can check out on my blog.


  6. Happy Birthday month to you, Heather!
    1. I am already following your blog.
    2. I think you are a Tim Holtz fan.
    3. My favorite project of yours is the layout you did for the LGS DT call. I love the contrast in colors!

  7. I don't need a RAK, but just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday!!! :)

  8. Happy birthday, Heather!! Thank you so much for all of the love you leave on our blog, truly appreciate it!
    I know I've heard you mention you like Prima, and I remember you saying you like the new Glitz collection, Pretty In Pink ( I remember because I love it, too!)
    I really love the "21st Birthday" layout!!
    How nice of you to be giving away presents in honor of your birthday!

  9. Happy soon to be birthday! I found you on Casey's blog via the Leibster Award and just HAD to say hello. I've become a new follower and will be reading up on all your past posts!


Hope you enjoy all my scrappy projects that comes from My Crafty Heart